This piece is based on traditional Persian music. Use of Microtonal interval, approaching free meters and use of oriental thought. One of the most important elements used in this piece was the approach to Kamanche's sound. Kamanche is a traditional Persian instrument and very similar to violin. The strings are played with a variable-tension bow. To make the sound of Kamancheh, I've written very precisely play using of bow.
0: 1/1 0.000000 unison, perfect prime 1: 48.124 cents 48.123611 2: 199.972 cents 199.972324 3: 300.017 cents 300.017216 4: 400.013 cents 400.013263 5: 500.009 cents 500.009199 6: 547.777 cents 547.776816 7: 646.196 cents 646.195506 8: 700.021 cents 700.020589 9: 900.000 cents 900.000432 10: 999.986 cents 999.986463 11: 1099.989 cents 1099.988860 12: 1199.997 cents 1199.996691
Ali Balighi is an experimental composer. His works are mostly composed based on traditional and folk music of Iran. His main tendency is on micro-tonality and new perspective of instruments. He learned initial composing courses with Kiawash Saheb Nasagh and Mohammadreza Azin and has participated in composing master classes of Ahmad Pejman. Ali is an accomplished composer, with a wide variety of instrumental works including symphonic, chamber, and solo pieces, as well as music for theatre productions, and theme music for film and television. In the summer of 2017, he won the composer competition in The Iranian-Canadian Composers of Toronto (ICOT) and the Canadian Music Centre for “Daramad for solo Accordion”. In the fall of 2017, he won the second place in the composer competition of Radio Javan (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) for “a little piece for orchestra symphonic”.