Christian Klinkenberg - Souvenir du Souvenir


This stringquartet has been written in Bohlen-Pierce. The musicians need to retune their strings and have to increase the spacing of the fingerings. Thematically, the individual parts ("broken", "repressed", "vanished", "maintained", "reminded") are based on five photographs by Willi Filz entitled "Souvenir du Souvenir".

Tuning information:

13-tone equal division of 3/1. Bohlen-Pierce equal approximation 146.30423 292.60846 438.91269 585.21692 731.52115 877.82539 1024.12962 1170.43385 1316.73808 1463.04231 1609.34654 1755.65077 3/1

Composer bio:

Born in Eupen (Belgium) in 1976, Christian Klinkenberg studied composition at the “Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel”, where he earned two master degrees: the first one in jazz composition and the second one in contemporary classical composition. Alongside his work as a composer, Klinkenberg is an active musician: pianist, bandleader and improviser with different performers and ensembles. He teaches at the Conservatoire du Nord in Luxembourg and at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel. He researches at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel for his PhD-Project in microtonality and leads the „Christian Klinkenberg Orchestra“.