Shunya Kiyokawa - Das N-EDOs Klavier - "Sound of New Age"


n平均律の可能性を、聴衆に感じてもらうことを目的としている。 The purpose of this music is general audience feels the availability of nEDOs. もともとのDas N Edos Klavier、各平均律の響きを一般の聴衆に理解してもらうために作曲した。下記のリンクは、現作品の一つ前の作品である。 I have composed previous "Das N-EDOs Klavier" for general audience understand each EDO. This URL link is a my previous work. しかし、この試みは失敗に終わっている。なぜなら、曲の長さに比べ、感覚として面白いと感じられる響きが少ないためである。そのため、聴衆の興味を引き付けられなかった。 そこで、曲を全体的に短くし、感覚で面白いと感じられた響きを、様々な平均律から集めてきた。 But, I failed that trial. Because my previous music has little sound which feels interesting in spite of that music is so long. So, I couldn't get interests of the audience. Therefore, I collected and arranged interesting sound from my previous "Das N-EDOs Klavier". And I shortened my music. 一般の聴衆が、n平均律の響きに対し、可能性を感じてもらえれば幸いである。 I hope general audience feels the availability of nEDOs.

Tuning information:

' Das N-EDOs Klavier - "Sound of New Age" ' uses 12 tunings those are " 5 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 " edos (equal divisions of the octave). ``` 5 ! 240.0000 480.0000 720.0000 960.0000 1200.0000 ``` ``` 7 ! 171.4286 342.8571 514.2857 685.7143 857.1429 1028.5714 1200.0000 ``` ``` 9 ! 133.3333 266.6667 400.0000 533.3333 666.6667 800.0000 933.3333 1066.6667 1200.0000 ``` ``` 10 ! 120.0000 240.0000 360.0000 480.0000 600.0000 720.0000 840.0000 960.0000 1080.0000 1200.0000 ``` ``` 11 ! 109.0909 218.1818 327.2727 436.3636 545.4545 654.5455 763.6364 872.7273 981.8182 1090.9091 1200.0000 ``` ``` 13 ! 92.3077 184.6154 276.9231 369.2308 461.5385 553.8462 646.1538 738.4615 830.7692 923.0769 1015.3846 1107.6923 1200.0000 ``` ``` 14 ! 85.7143 171.4286 257.1429 342.8571 428.5714 514.2857 600.0000 685.7143 771.4286 857.1429 942.8571 1028.5714 1114.2857 1200.0000 ``` ``` 15 ! 80.0000 160.0000 240.0000 320.0000 400.0000 480.0000 560.0000 640.0000 720.0000 800.0000 880.0000 960.0000 1040.0000 1120.0000 1200.0000 ``` ``` 16 ! 75.0000 150.0000 225.0000 300.0000 375.0000 450.0000 525.0000 600.0000 675.0000 750.0000 825.0000 900.0000 975.0000 1050.0000 1125.0000 1200.0000 ``` ``` 17 ! 70.5882 141.1765 211.7647 282.3529 352.9412 423.5294 494.1176 564.7059 635.2941 705.8824 776.4706 847.0588 917.6471 988.2353 1058.8235 1129.4118 1200.0000 ``` ``` 19 ! 63.1579 126.3158 189.4737 252.6316 315.7895 378.9474 442.1053 505.2632 568.4211 631.5789 694.7368 757.8947 821.0526 884.2105 947.3684 1010.5263 1073.6842 1136.8421 1200.0000 ``` ``` 20 ! 60.0000 120.0000 180.0000 240.0000 300.0000 360.0000 420.0000 480.0000 540.0000 600.0000 660.0000 720.0000 780.0000 840.0000 900.0000 960.0000 1020.0000 1080.0000 1140.0000 1200.0000 ```

Composer bio:

"International conference: NICOGRAPH International 2015", I gave a presentation about my software. That analyzes fundamental frequency using pichbend of software instruments, and plays any frequency. * "THE SOCIETY FOR MUSIC THEORY OF JAPAN: The 18th meeting", I gave a presentation about my music theory and my own music. * SIGMUS (Special Interest Group on Music and Computer) : The 108th meeting, I gave a poster session "The system of making nEDO sound and musical nEDO algorithm using Hatsune Miku". * ADADA (Asia Digital Art and Design Association) : The second meeting, I gave a presentation about my music "Nursery Song in 14EDO". *