This piece is the musical reenactment of Ray Bradbury's Science-Fiction short story "Tomorrow's child". A couple conceives a baby that by interdimensional mistake appears as a blue pyramid. The parents at first struggle with this burden, but then start to adapt and finally decide to enter the dimension of the child.
I used a normal equal 24-tone system in the viola part (normal 12tone with additional quartertones) and in the electronics I use high overtones of the Grand C (65 Hz), ( especially the 17th, 19th, 23rd, 29th, and 31st). Later in the piece the viola adapts to these partials. One could say the piece emerges from 24-equal-temperament to a spectral temperament.
Born 1979 in Chemnitz, Germany; currently living in Göttingen. Sound engineering, composition and electroacoustic music studies in Detmold, Bremen, Hamburg and Leipzig; 2004-07 working as a sound engineer for several recording companies, 2007-11 sound engineer at Anhaltisches Theater Dessau, since 2011 at Deutsches Theater Göttingen; mainly working in electroacoustic and instrumental fields, occassionally also theatre music, short texts and experimental films; several prizes e.g. Czech Society of Electroacoustic Music, Innova Musica Competition and Counterpoint Composition Competition. Performances in Western Europe, Russia, Mexico and the USA.