Both the tuning system and the time signature are based on the prime numbers 7 and 11. Modalities are explored by repetitive note sequences in various timbres. The intervals in the tuning system are all the intervals possible with first order combinations of 7 and 11; 8/7 , 77/64 , 14/11 , 11/8 , 16/11 , 11/7 , 128/77 and 7/4.
!Just_3^0,5^0,7^1,11^1,13^0.scl !Scala Tuning File !Generated from Schismata Just Intonation, 9 Tones, 3^0,5^0,7^1,11^1,13^06/08/2018 11:27:29 PM ! 9 ! 231.174 320.144 417.508 551.318 648.682 782.492 879.856 968.826
John Coutts is a Controls Engineer from Melbourne, Australia, who has been interested in alternative tuning systems for most of his life. He has spent most of his free time over the last 10 years developing a composition program, Schismata, that allows the composer to design their own tuning system. He is currently living in South Carolina.