Stephen Leo Weigel - Six Macrotonal Etudes for Electronic Music Media (2/6 submitted)


I completed the Six Macrotonal Etudes for Electronic Music Media in 2018, as audio illustrations. The project was to explore tonal and modal behavior of all the equal tunings 5 through 11 (minus 6), devise a notation for each tuning, and write a composition in each tuning to illustrate good chord progressions and the practical application of the notation. As it emulates Easley Blackwood's Twelve Microtonal Etudes, it has many pedagogical applications. It would also be easier to play than his, since there are less notes in the Macrotonal Etudes. Information about the other etudes is in the score (audio available upon request - I simply submitted <10 minutes of material as in the rules). Order of the six etudes in EDOs is: 5, 11, 9, 10, 8, 7. Thus, I've submitted audio for the first two etudes only. The 5, 11, 10, and 8 are notated with everything except dynamics and instrument specification. The 9 and 7 don't have proper notation yet.

Tuning information:

5-EDO: 0:00-3:33 11-EDO: 3:38-9:08

Composer bio:

Stephen Weigel has a BS in Music Media Production, and an MM in Music Composition, from Ball State. His music has been featured at EMM, CNMF, EABD, SEAMUS, UnTwelve, and at art museums around the country. Other collaborations of his have been featured in popular media, such as in the video game “Hawkthorne”, and in CEI films created by BSU-TCOM students (one winning third place in the 2014 National Audience Awards). Stephen’s work on all-scalar set theory is likely to be recognized by MCM 2019 for uniting a crucial gap between contemporary xenharmonic (microtonal) theory and set theory principles. Most of his music is highly melodic, intelligible, purpose-driven, and focused on xenharmonics. As President of the Xenharmonic Music Alliance at BSU, he organized Ball State’s first xenharmonic concert, the Xenharmonic New Music Showcase, which brought together composers and performers at a national level. He also served as a local SCI member for four years as Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice President.