60x60 in collaboration with UnTwelve is presenting the second UnTwelve Mix
2013-06-17 update:
The following people's 1-minute tracks have been chosen for the 2012-2013 60x60 UnTwelve mix:
Torsten Anders, George Arkomanis, Kenneth Babb, Christopher Bailey, Mike
Battaglia, Oleg Bezborodko, Rich Bitting, Kaja Bjorntvedt, Susan Brewster,
Ben Bridges, Paul Burnell, Warren Burt, Brendan Byrnes, Nicholas Cline,
Jason Conklin, Maxime Corbeil-Perron, Zach Curley, Jim Dalton, Richard
Duckworth, Allen Fogelsanger, Jake Freivald, Soressa Gardner, Kraig Grady,
Bruce Hamilton, Pat Hanchet, Todd Harrop, Andrew Hasenpflug, Andrew
Heathwaite, Dry Heeves, Aaron Krister Johnson, Charles Jowett, Howard Kenty,
Joan La Barbara, Kristof Lauwers, Stan Link, Marco Liy, Nora-Louise Müller,
Claudi Meneghin, Herman Miller, Shaahin Mohajeri, Liam Molloy, Quincas
Moreira, John Moriarty, John Oliver, Ryan Olivier, Steve Parker, Tina
Pearson, Samuel Pellman, Derek Piotr, João Ricardo, Gilberto Rosa, Carlo
Serafini, Andrew Smith, Billy Stiltner, Scott Thompson,Christoper Vaisvil,
Michael Vick, Robert Voisey, Jane Wang, Julia Werntz.
Thanks to all who submitted; we are very pleased with the results. If you are interested in being a promoter (putting on a concert of this mix in your town at your venue) please contact us using the contact form.
here is info on the previous mix:
60x60 in collaboration with UnTwelve is presenting the first UnTwelve Mix

You will experience a very special event where UnTwelve is thrilled to be in collaboration with Vox Novus from NYC; they are known in the music world as the producers of 60x60, the incredibly popular format of a 60-minute concert featuring 60 works by 60 composers, each work a minute or less. 60x60 has taken the world by storm, and we are now proud to have a slice of that energy here in Chicago where we will present a very special version of 60x60. The miniatures we will present will all be part of what we call the UnTwelve Mix--short works with a focus of the novel beauty of tuning which escapes the rigid boundaries of 12-tone equal temperament, and the use of microtones. All of these works are compelling and worth hearing, including pulse pounding music, gorgeous harmonies, dark and moody soundscapes, humorous vignettes, and ecstatic dreamworlds.
We hope you will come out and taste this entertaining feast for the ears!
Composers heard in the 60x60 2010 UnTwelve Mix will include:
Elise Cumberland, Tommy Scheurich, Mike Leghorn, Carlo Serafini, Ioannis Kalantzis, Agnes Szelag, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz, Kevin Kissinger, Alexander Baker, Brent Wilcox, Zachary Young, Mark Zaki, Christopher Bailey, Scott Peterson, Ethan Schwartz, Andrian Pertout, Ozan Yarman, Mark Eden, Phil Edelstein, Anthony St.Pierre, Jose Ivan Sanchez, Anthony Hood, Kraig Grady, Penko Stoitschev, Monroe Golden, Robert Fanelli, Samuel Pellman, Cameron Bobro, Bob Siebert, Chuckk Hubbard, Rob Voisey, Joseph Pehrson, Warren Burt, Prent Rodgers, Victor Valentim, Robert Lepre, Andy Hasenpflug, Thomas Ciufo, Les Scott, Daniel Sedgwick, Momilani Ramstrum, Mark Ballora, Randall West, Joel Hickman, Chris Vaisvil, Ann Cantelow, Patrick Liddell, Christopher Keyes, Thomas Dempster, Michael Gaiuranos, Tova Kardonne, Sean Archibald, Monty Adkins, Enrico Francioni, George Secor, Aaron Krister Johnson, Gilberto Rosa, Mike McFerron, Douglas Geers, Danny Wier
performance dates so far planned of the 60x60 UnTwelve mix:
Tuesday, April 14th, 2010 Istanbul Technical University - Istanbul, Turkey
Tuesday April 27th, 2010 Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago - season finale
Wednesday, June 9th, 2010 Charlestown Working Theatre, Charlestown, Massachusetts
Friday, July 23rd, 2010 2010 Kansas City Regional Electro-music Festival, Kansas City, MO
Thursday, October 7th, 2010 Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania