microtonal concerts, events, etc.
2022-05-13 to 2022-05-15, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Yes! Another iteration of a wonderful event, bring together so many microtonalists from across the globe: The Microtonal Adventures Festival. Join us for another memorable event.2018-08-11 @ Thirsty Ears Festival
UnTwelve makes a 5pm set appearance at Chicago's only classical music street festival! Music by Yvonne Freckmann, Christopher Bailey, Ralph Lewis, Stephen Weigel, and Aaron Krister Johnson. Performers include Robin Meiksins, Emily Mehigh, Ralph Lewis, Eric Deuce Heidbreder, Connor Thummer, Stephen Weigel, Amy Pickering, and Aaron Krister Johnson. More info is available at the Thirsty Ears Festival website

2018-05-18 to 2018-05-20, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
We are pleased to add a great event to our roster: The festival/conference known as Microtonal Adventures Festival.The event will take place in the beautiful surroundings of the Pacific Northwest, in Bellingham Washington.
Check it out!
2014-05-17 (Saturday) @ 8pm, Mobius, Cambridge, MA
Presentation of the 2013 UnTwelve 60x60 mix.2013-07-20 (Saturday) @ 5pm, City Winery, Chicago
Please join us for a live broadcast concert at City Winery on July 20th @ 5pm-7pm.The program will include some acoustic guitar music by guest Joel Hickman as well as piano solos and duos performed by Aaron Krister Johnson and Matt Long. The program will be broadcast LIVE on WFMT.
2012-9-28 (Friday) @ 8pm, Heaven Gallery, Chicago
2012-9-29 (Saturday) @ 2pm, SoDO Theatre, Champaign, IL
2012-9-30 (Sunday) @ 2pm, Fisher's library, Fishers, Indiana

2012-3-31 (Saturday) @ 2pm
We will host an afternoon viewing of the short film The Sonic Sky at the home of Randall West (1516 S Wabash Ave Apt 907, Chicago, IL, 60605). We will follow this with a discuss and Q&A with Aaron Krister Johnson and Randall West. This is designed to be an informal event, with food and drink, and will appeal to both those who are newer to microtonal music and to those who have some experience....suggested donation: $10. Please RSVP with events@untwelve.org or use the contact form.2011-6-18 (Saturday) @ 7pm

Our 1886 Steinway will be retuned to the haunting and mystical "Centaur" tuning invented by composer Kraig Grady and Aaron Krister will perform pieces by himself, Chris Bailey, Kraig Grady and others.
Last time the wine glass ringing turned into a 60-minute tribal sound orgy. Just sayin'....
Come join us as we ramp up the energy and out-do ourselves again!
Kindly RSVP on the Facebook page for the event, where you can join our Facebook group and also see the place details.
You can also RSVP via events[AAT]untwelve.org or the contact form
2011-4-30 (Saturday)
UnTwelve will host a microtonal music listening session at the home of new board member Randall West. We will be listening to, studying and discussing Toby Twining's monumental choral masterpiece, Chrysalid Requiem. The event is free and open to the public, but kindly RSVP via sending an email through the contact form and consider making a small cash donation (suggested: $10) at the event to cover food costs, etc.directions:
1516 S Wabash Apt 907, Chicago
Dial 710 on the door buzzer. Take the elevator to 9th floor. Unit 907 is the last door at the end of the hall.
The location is a 3 blocks south of Roosevelt; accessible by CTA red, green, or orange lines (Roosevelt stop). Street parking is generally available nearby (meters on Wabash, sometimes there are free spots on state street, 15th, or 16th). There is also a paid lot one block north at 14th and Wabash.
2011-3-18 @ 12pm
60x60 Video UnTwelve Mix Video Colaboration with Patrick Liddell at MusicBYTES, Lewis University - Romeoville, IllinoisThe 60x60 Video UnTwelve mix continues its tour around the globe at Lewis University for MusicBYTES March 18, 2011 at noon.
Hear (and see) 60 microtonal electronic music by 60 composers, each lasting 60 seconds be paired with video by Patrick Liddell. This 60-minute event is the result of a collaboration between Vox Novus's 60x60 and the Chicago-based Patrick Liddell, and UnTwelve. The miniatures presented will all be part of what we call the UnTwelve Mix--short works with a focus of the novel beauty of tuning which escapes the rigid boundaries of 12-tone equal temperament, and the use of microtones.
2011-1-29 @ 8pm
"Dark Concert" presentation in Evanston, IL of the 2010 UnTwelve composition competition winners. Listen in complete darkness ot the music and let your mind go to far away places!! A unique experience. RSVPs must be made by email to: "events _AT_SIGN_ untwelve.org" where _AT_SIGN_ = @2010-10-7 @ 7pm
Multimedia presentation (dance, video, art, music) of the 60x60 UnTwelve Mix at Slippery Rock University West Gym, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, presented by Andy Hasenpflug, music director of the SRU dance dept.2010-8-27 (until Dec. 15th)
UnTwelve is proud to announce the 2nd annual composition competition. If you are a composer interested in competing, check out the dedicated page.
2010-8-19 @ 8pm
Urbana-Champaign Independent Media CenterMulti-instrumentalist and composer Jacob Barton is happy to present his first full-length concert featuring the "udderbot", a unique slide woodwind instrument invented in 2005.
A joint project of OddMusic-UC and UnTwelve, the concert will feature adaptations of pre-existing music and new music commissioned especially for the occasion. Sixteen composers, half of them Champaign-Urbana residents, participated in the commissioning project.
Admission is a $10-15 sliding scale, with no one turned away for lack of funds. RSVPing is encouraged.
2010-7-23 @ Midnight (the beginning of the 24th)
As part of the 2010 Kansas City Regional Electro-Music Festival, the 60x60 UnTwelve mix will be presented at the Walnut Creek Clubhouse.2010-7-6 @ 7pm
Aaron Krister Johnson, founder of UnTwelve, will be presenting a lecture on the history of tuning and tuning systems (esp. with regard to Western music history) and will present examples and also speculate on future explorations. There will also be a Q&A session following the lecture. Event will take place as part of the Free University's Weekly Coffee/Tea House Series (Click link for more info)2010-6-9 @ 8pm
Repeat performance of the 60x60 "UnTwelve Mix" at the Charlestown Working Theatre, Charlestown, Massachusetts2010-04-27
UnTwelve and 60x60 at the MCA Chicago!
Come out to hear a unique event: the marriage of UnTwelve with one of today's hottest new music events, from New York City....60x60 is 60 works by 60 composers in 60 minutes, each work a minute or less, presented back to back in a 'mix', and, for dramatic effect, a giant wall clock gives you the lowdown on where each composition starts and ends. A wildly succesful and popular event since its inception in 2003, 60x60 has taken the world by storm, and now UnTwelve collaborates and gives it a microtonal slant!
2010-01-30 @ 8pm
Private residence concert (in the dark!!!)
Hear some of Aaron Krister Johnson's latest sonically rich compositions in the dark, a perfect way to let your imagination run wild!$10 at the door, if your interested in attending you must RSVP. You can use the contact form for that.
UnTwelve annouces its 1st annual composition competition!!!
Please check out the dedicated page for more information...
UnTwelve at the Serena La Femme exhibit
Special guest, guitarist Dante Rosati
(also 2009-05-29 CD compilation release event)
Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine ArtGuitarist Dante Rosati to perform in Chicago for an UnTwelve concert,
June 6th @ 8pm
Tickets available here
New York City master guitarist and Julliard faculty member Dante Rosati's guitar compositions are steeped in a thorough absorption of the great Spanish classical guitar tradition, with more than a nod to beauty for beauty's sake and reflective passion and sensuality; yet they are also innovative in terms of extending the possibilities of both technique and tuning. He will perform selections of his guitar works live at the Palette & Chisel, surrounded by the beautiful works in the exhibit Serene la Femme.
Mr. Rosati uses custom refretted guitars to accomodate a pure intonation tunings system, utilizing the ancient knowledge of relationships in the overtone series. The end result is a sound which is both satisfyingly new as it is elegant and sensual. He will also demonstate and answer question about his guitars, the tuning systems used and his compositions. A unique evening not to be missed!
You can order tickets to reserve a seat for this event here
Also, on Friday, May 29th, 6-8pm, UnTwelve will present a mixture of pre-recorded music in alternate tunings to bring an extra special ambience to the art exhibit 'Serena La Femme'...CDs of the music from various artists may be purchased at the exhibit.
2009-03-28 @ 7:00pm
Resonance, Rhyme, Rebirth: a spring ritual of music and poetry
Private residence event, RSVP-only.
Address and directions available upon RSVP.
Come and celebrate the post-equinox onset of spring with music and poetry by candlelight. Music to include extended improvisation on an 1886 Steinway grand tuned to the mystical 'Centaur' tuning. Join in communal candle-lighting at the opening and a wine glass ringing at the close. We invite you to bring your own wine glass to create a more energetic harmonious drone.
7 spring-themed poems will be read as interludes. We would like to invite participants to co-create the event with their chosen poem and reading. Please indicate your desire to contribute to the poetry readings in your RSVP.
Arrive at 7pm and enjoy wine, cheese & hors d'oeuvres. Doors close at 8pm and music & poetry begins.
Seating is limited to 23.
Free, with donations to UnTwelve accepted.
First come, first served.
RSVP to aaron AAT untwelve DAWT org
2009-01-11, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
@Urbana-Champaign Independent Media CenterOddmusic is making music with odd musical instruments: from merely unusual to one-of-a-kind, newly invented and experimental, electronic and junkyard. This Convergence is a show-and-tell of sorts for local players, makers, and appreciators of odd musical instruments.
Tentative schedule:
2-3 p.m. -- open instrument building workshop. bring raw materials to make something, or use something from a variety of scrounged and recycled bits and pieces provided.
3-4 p.m. -- workshops & demonstrations.
4-5 p.m. oddmusic onstage. This will include solo performances on weird instruments, as well as a large ensemble structured jam. Bring your digeridoos and your bagpipes and your Hawaiian guitars and we'll make an ensemble the likes of which the world has never seen.
If interested in presenting or performing, please contact jacob at udderbot at gmail dot com.
This convergence is hosted by the UCIMC Artists Collective and UnTwelve.
2008-10-23 @ 7pm - Board Meeting
Discussion included future event and season planning, and brainstorming about venues, fundraising, and non-concert events.2008-07-31 @ 8pm - Benefit concert
SPACE1245 Chicago Ave.
Evanston, IL
Join us for a benefit concert to give UnTwelve a bit of a boost!
Enjoy performances by:
Jacob Barton - Utopian songs for the bizarre and marvelous 'Udderbot', an invented instrument.
Andrew Heathwaite - a quirky set of postmodern Mayan chaos-pop songs on the Turkish 'banjo/lute'
Aaron Krister Johnson - UnTwelve's director/founder shares an evocative 3 part 'Alleluia', a choral work in 17-equal steps to the octave, and some spacious Just intonation piano improvisation.
Christopher Bailey - UnTwelve's co-founder envelopes the space with a continuous, effervescent sound installation.
Tickets available HERE.
2008-03-06 @ 7pm - Board Meeting
Took place at SPACE in Evanston, Stuart Rosenberg's new venue. Discussed first concert, future vision including possible name change, mission statement, non-for-profit status and procedure.2007-10-20 @ 7pm - Premiere Concert
Music for 2 pianos in 19 tones per octaveTemple Sholom of Chicago, Mendelson Gallery
3480 North Lake Shore Drive
Goe from my Window by Thomas Morley, other Elizabethan works
Gon Tanz by Hans Straub
Elementals by Jon Lyle Smith
Tarantella-Rondo by Aaron Krister Johnson  listen to mp3 sample
Zelig by Ryan Pratt
Walking down a hillside at Cortona, and watching it's towers rise before me by Christopher Bailey  listen to mp3 sample
19-tone study by Easley Blackwood
Nine Preludes in 19-tone temperament (1961) by Joel Mandelbaum
The performing pianists:
Aaron Krister Johnson
Christopher Bailey
Saori Chiba
Paul Dykstra
Jacob Barton